martes, 26 de octubre de 2010


We can define stress as a physiological reaction of the body to deal with a situation perceived as threatening or increased demand. It is a natural and necessary response for survival.

Stress's symptoms

-Peripheral vasoconstriction
-slowing intestinal motility

All these mechanisms are developed to increase the chances of survival in a near-term threat, not to be kept indefinitely, as happens in some cases. n the medium term, the sustained alertness may cause diseases.

The stressors or triggers of stress can be any stimulus, external or internal (physical, chemical, auditory or somatic and obviously, the life in general) that directly or indirectly conducive to destabilize the dynamic equilibrium of the body.

To combat stress is recommend breathing exercises. The goal is to exercise voluntary control over breathing, so we use it as a painkiller when we overwhelm the stress.

Usually the doctor say "Stay away of stress situation" That makes me laught. How could I stay away? The life give us a lot of difficult situation, but te really importan is that all hace solution

This was something of Wikipedia :P

2 comentarios:

  1. Some doctors have no clue sometimes ¬¬ xD
    the yoga also serves for the stress, it also helps to have a mind much more calm and quiet :D

    see you Clau! ;D

  2. Hi Clau: I think too that sometimes the people can not stay away of the problems but they can try to take the problems with more peace and try to resolve this problems in a better way.
    I expect that you are more rest than yesterday.
    See you soon.
