viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

Healthy lifstyle

Celebrations, Healthy lifestyle & more !! :)

In our country, big celebrations comes with a big and delicious food.
And for been more specific, in my family the celebrations are longs. Very.

I think that, even when you have a family like mine, It is possible have a healthy lifestyle. And I'm not talking about diet or kill us because we are hungry. And the time is not a excuse for not do sport, because I'm a hard believer that if we organize our time well, we can do everything. - Sadly, I'm not one of these people, buy one day I'm gonna be the real example of the thing that I'm saying.-

The thing that I'm trying to say is that the only thing that we really need to do is
do sport and have a healthy diet. It is normal that you, once in time, "get out" of
youre healthy diet, but if you always do something more that sitting by the computer all is gonna be ok.

But, more than be slim, for have a healthy lifestyle we need a "healthy brain". Youre happiness It's more important. Even what you wear, and what do you do have a influence in youre happiness. You have to do everything the thing that you want do.

It is hard, but you have give yourself a gift once in time.

---- A few words for the "vomer-girls":

"It's not always rainbows and butterflies. It's compromise that moves us along"
PD: This is calling Karma

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Clau I think that you have right when you say that a healthy person don't have to starve herself to be healthy.
    Well this all I like your post. Bye

    PS: Jajaja you write that part of the song.

  2. "been a healthy person with Pauciraptor" asdf you're so funny xD

    I like that of healthy brain.. and the "vomer-girls" xD
