miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010


"Understanding the Brain: The birth of a Learning Science"

Dr. Maldonado talks about a lot of myth really interestig and fascinating, for example he talk about the myth that you only can learn until the old of three, or that the brain of a men is different of a women. Myhts that stay in the conscience of all the people.
But, actually more interesting that the myths was how they become alive. It's impressive how we stay "back" in the news discover and how the things are involved in our perception.

"This inevitably leads to faulty interpretation, questionable extrapolation, and, more generally, the genesis of falses ideas"

Improve your memory!

When I read this part of the chapter I think that the person that fall in this slogan didn't read "Brave New World " of Aldous Huxley. The first thing that you see is a scene when they try to teach minwhile the person is sleeping. Of course, didn't work out.

I always hear this myth, but I also knew that was a big lie.

Well, is not a complete lie, but is not a great idea for learn, because you always join all the senses for put in your memory something for not forget.
But is better if you stay awake in class :) and much better if you do a concepts map after, because increase the ability of resolve problems. This work activate different areas of the brain during the process.

So, in conclusion you can not belive all that you read.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Clau: I like this myth too because I think that many people think that and the publicity take advange of this to sell things.
    I expect that you are O.K.
    See you later.
