miércoles, 30 de junio de 2010

The end :)

Blogging Experience...

Hi! This is my last post.

I never have a blogg before, so it was a really interesting experience.

I had to learn million things that I never imagined. Really I'm not a good-cyberspace-traveller. And the technology doesn't my friend.

I love writing about my experiences, however It is difficult if is public or with particular subject.
I really don't like that we weren't able to choose the subject. I love writing, but if it is with no rules.
If I have chosen the topic, it would have been able to write more.

But not everything was dark and difficult... jé! This experience allow me think and speak at length related about my course. And I realized that I love it. I fall over it, each day that passes and each time that I know more about it.
I don't know if this help me with my english problem...I have a terrible phonetics and, obviously, the blog doesn't make you speak in public, so I never put in prove.

The best thing of have a blogg is that you can develop closer relationships with colleagues, writing stuff to you're friends velociraptors.

That is all.
The end
at least!

miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010


I usually don't talk about my future.
Maybe I'm afraid.
I don't know.
I don't like talk about the future. When I was a little more younger, I always liked close my eyes, breath deeply and dream that would be.
My grandfather always was smiling, and he started to tell me his dreams. He never realized them

It is not that I'm a "without hope person", but the life has taught me that not always the things go well...That is the reason that the expectations of my life are so simple.

I just hope be a good professional, give everything I have, with pleasure and dedication... Make a little difference.
Working in a public hospital and (dreaming a little more) in a home birth, with colleagues that love their work, just like me. With patientes who have confidence in what we do.

I want to work in the area of neonatology, because I like the babies, and I want to give them the best attention.
I see me working hard for a best gestation, labour work and birth

I'm actually never think about the working hours, benefits, location or income, I know that is important but I' m not studying this course for money, just for vocation.
Maybe a nearly location, because I want - in case of emergency- arrive fast at the hospital.
The only benefits that I need is feel me fulfill about my work, because THIS is the thing I want to do, and I'm gonna do everything to do it.

That is the thing I feel.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Education and Prevention in health care

Today the topic is about
Education and Prevention
Better safe than sorry

The prevention acts in many areas, in prevention of risks, diseases, earthquakes, among others.

It is very necessary, because both - Education and prevention- are related with the
well- being of all the people. It have a huge importance in the peoples lives.

The fact that we help educate people about potential disease or risks for their health, we are helping to prevent it.

The midwife acts in the area of health, to be exact, in the area of sexual health.
The professional should be educate about the risks of not being responsible and aware of the acts of each person.

It should be taught - for example- the importance of the use of condon, or other contraceptive methods. Also about the potential diseases (the horrible and dangerous STD) or unwanted pregnancy.

Actually, that is the only way. Education.

The work of th mindwife is wide. She must star in the beginning, doing talks in school, propaganda ( like pamphlet, posters, etc...).. Her work never ends.

The importance of the mindwife related to prevention and education is very big.

Actually, the only thing that the mindwife is teach the risk and how prevent they, because the person is the only that can decide about them health.

martes, 8 de junio de 2010

Traditional Roles

It was time that the perception of our gender change. If the society was doing it, how something so tied to the society was not going to change too?

Since always women value being sensitive and maintaining good relationships,men value gaining status by following "the rules,". Since our society values competition and individuals being successful on their own, women's orientation towards caring for others and/or cooperatively building the community is considered (by the male dominated society) to be of lesser importance.

Women have always faced a home context, however today it has opened to a world previously only be awarded to males. And so does the man, who in today's society will benefit in regard to relations with his own family and will commit time to be included in a space formerly purely feminine.

I do not believe the man has lost his place in society, they now share their roles with women and vice versa. It is not difficult to find a woman executive, so as it is not to find a dad at home preparing dinner.

Society is not only the external or public, but also a private one. There should be no sovereignty of one gender to another, but complementary.

I don't believe that stereotypes of men and women contribute to an understanding and acceptance of who we are, maybe help, but this doesn't define us.

Honestly, I get along better with boys. Soil more fun with them because we have common tastes, I think that is because I have older brothers.

I think both genders can provide equal benefits for the development of society.

And I think that in our course the men can give us a new perspective.